Holey? You have the the whole world of ear-related humor before you, you go for holey?
("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows")
More Quotes from J.K. Rowling:
And Harry, with the unerring skill of the Seeker, caught the wand in his free hand as Voldemort fell backward, arms splayed, the slit pupils of the scarlet eyes rolling upward. Tom Riddle hit the floor with a mundane finality, his body feeble and shrunken, the white hands empty, the snakelike face vacant and unknowing. Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse, and Harry stood with two wands in his hands, staring down at his enemy's shell.J.K. Rowling
I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends.
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The hook-nosed teacher looked past Quirrell's turban and straight into Harry's eyes
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For future reference, Harry, it is raspberry...although of course, if I were a Death Eater, I would have been sure to research my own jam preferences before impersonating myself.
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I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then battle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour. -Voldemort
J.K. Rowling
Let muggles manage without us!
J.K. Rowling
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