If you are not egotistical, you will welcome the opportunity to learn more.
More Quotes from John Templeton:
The main focus in my life now is to open people's minds so no one will be so conceited that they think they have the total truth.JOHN Templeton
The correct description is that we try every day to become more humble when we talk about divinity, we try to realize how little we know and how open minded we should be.
John Templeton
The idea that an individual can find God is terribly self-centered. It is like a wave thinking it can find the sea.
John Templeton
Suppose you went to your priest and asked for help - he would refer you to the Bible, but if you went the next day to your medical doctor, and he referred you to the book of Hippocrates, which was written at about the same time as the Bible, you would think that was old-fashioned.
JOHN Templeton
A doctor today would never prescribe the treatments my grandfather used in the Confederate Army, but a minister says pretty much the same thing today that a minister would have said back then.
John Templeton
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