If anyone tells you that you cannot legislate morality, remeber that legislation IS morality.
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You watch the Supreme Court in action on these cases, and they are a conflicted court. However, when it comes to speech issues generally, the court has been protective.Jay Alan Sekulow
So we need the same strategy, we need young, aggressive judges to be appointed, and that's what the President has done, but getting them through is the challenge.
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It's now up to the full Senate to move swiftly to confirm John Roberts so he can assume his duties and responsibilities as chief justice when the Supreme Court begins its new term in a matter of weeks. We call on the Senate to confirm John Roberts without delay.
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I do not mean that you could continue to do this with propriety or even with safety; I merely assert that the power is, in point of fact, in your hands. And for such a power, what a responsibility to God and man!
Jay Alan Sekulow
This is the most historic moment in Supreme Court history in our lifetime, no question about it. These are justices who are going to serve for decades.
Jay Alan Sekulow
As a private lawyer, I could bill $750 an hour, but I don't.
Jay Alan Sekulow
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