As time would prove, he had written one of the great, enduring documents of the American Revolution. The constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the oldest functioning written constitution in the world.
("John Adams")
More Quotes from David McCullough:
The Johnstown flood was not an act of God or nature. It was brought by human failure, human shortsightedness and selfishness.David McCullough
It could be argued that the Johnstown flood of 1889 wasn't a natural disaster at all, but the inevitable consequence of humans thinking they could control nature. Whatever the cause, the day after a dam burst, unleashing 20 million tons of water on the residents of Johnstown, Pa., and its neighboring boroughs, the area looked like a vast sea of muck and rubble and filthy water, ... The Johnstown Flood.
David McCullough
I'm very aware how many distractions the reader has in life today, how many good reasons there are to put the book down.
David McCullough
Morality only is eternal. All the rest is balloon and bubble from the cradle to the grave.
David McCullough
I'm drawn particularly to stories that evolve out of the character of the protagonist.
David McCullough
Once I discovered the endless fascination of doing the research and of doing the writing, I knew I had found what I wanted to do in my life.
David McCullough
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